Saturday, 27 September 2014

Funny thing, scale...

Having just started doing a bit of the church project today, it occurred to me that the massive thing is the same 7mm scale as the Bentley Continental R I did the master for, many years ago.  And this is just the chancel!  I had to add some to the bottom of it too since taking some measurements with my Grandson yesterday.

This is going to be a big model!


  1. I'm not sure there is ever a "small model" in 7mm scale :)

  2. Probably true, Mark, especially when you consider that Bentley is around 4" long!

  3. That does look huge! Gonna be tasty though!

  4. Where am I going to put it?? In all it'll be over a metre long!

  5. I have the same problem with Rosehill cottage if you recall. I also found a wonderful article on how to master those arched church windows whilst looking for your peeling paint detail. Now all I have to do is remember where I found it.

  6. Oh please do, Rich. I have never done a window full of tracery and don't have any clever ideas.
    BTW, it's so good to see you commenting. I know you had trouble before.
