Saturday, 4 November 2017

Chim, Chim, cheree...

Sang the lovable Dick Van Dyck when he affected that excruciating Cockney accent in Mary Poppins.
My cafe and cafe caravan needed chimneys, so out with the brass tube and the brass shim.  The caravan one had a slope filed off the end so it would accommodate the slope of the caravan roof and was soldered to the shim, which, once the slope was aligned, was trimmed to a square.

On the cafe, because the fiction is that this one is still in use, so would need a witch's hat cowling to keep the rain out. I turned a collar that would fit the flue pipe, then cut 3 gaps with fine files in the top until I had three spikes to which I could solder a turned cone with a recess into which the legs would fit. I glued the cowl to the legs as soldering would have melted the first joint. 
The whole thing was then pushed through another piece of shim and all fitted to the roof.
Painted and then weathered with powders as whilst soot may be black, wood burner tar is actually a rather nasty brownish colour, so that was brushed on flue, roof plate and roof, as it is pernicious muck that runs everywhere. Ask me how I know!

The caravan flue, but now out of use.

Both loosely in their places on Lantern Yard.

I finished the cafe with 240 grit wet and dry sandpaper cut to a scale yard width strip Evo-Stikked on.
The caravan now has fake plywood sheeting around it's base to stop draughts and a set of steps has been made to get up to the floor level.

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