Sunday, 29 October 2017

The Hell with forums, FB pages and all that trash...

Two posts in one day, already! Oi Vay!

Ha!  I've had it with forums, (fora is it? if you're a pompous arse).  And FB pages.  And every shade in between, not that are any, but you know what I mean.  The last forum I was on for all of a fortnight before some little Hitler claimed I wasn't playing nice as he ungrammatically put it. All because I slagged off RMWeb, like all other well-thinking people on the same forum. What hypocrisy!  It's OK for the established ones to slag off RMWeb, but woe betide a new boy they don't know who actually MAKES stuff from scratch to use his immense experience to criticise the most widely criticized model forum ever.  And the Stormtrooper accused me of even more posts that people had allegedly complained of my tone on, even though nobody had spoken to me about it.  So I said goodbye to that one. My last forum. No regrets, they ceased to be of use or interest to me.  Some of the members were delightful correspondents and helpful and generous to a T, but the bosses?  Oafs to a man.

FB pages, the last claimed to be for scratchbuilders, like me, because it was good to swap news of cheap ways to make stuff, but when I dared complain about the cost of wagons, either kit or RTR being silly, somebody got snotty about discussing personal finances!  These turds tell themselves something and then believe the bollocks.

So off I come. I also killed the pages I started because nobody ever left a comment, so FB, for me now, is just chat with one or two people, a way of relatives and friends sending me pictures.

Forums?  Go stuff yourselves you silly little kit snobs.

As I don't give a shit what any of them think, I will just put pictures up on here of stuff as I do it.  or maybe I won't even do that!  Does anyone really care?


  1. Keep bitching and moaning Martin as it gives me encouragement to try some of that myself. We cannot let the clever ones thrust everything down our throats.

  2. Ah, but if they WERE clever, John, they'd be making stuff, not just kit-bashing and crowing about it.
